Little things that make me happy now I'm an adult

Posted on August 28 2016

After last week's post about things that annoy me, and reading all your comments - I started to feel a bit better about my raging moments. I realised that I'm not alone. I'm not the only intolerant psychopathic lunatic around - there are heaps of us! I love it!

My week started off ok. Pretty uneventful, just the usual home duties etc. I went to see Bad Moms - again. Ate too much popcorn, a bag of maltesers that I bought from Woolies beforehand because I'm a massive tightarse, drank a litre of Pepsi and laughed. Laughed and laughed and laughed. And not just because it's so bloody funny, but because I went with 8 of my best girlfriends, and it was just bloody amazing.

Then Thursday hit. I woke up with swollen lips, popcorn kernels in my teeth that I think are still there, dehydration to the point of unconsciousness and a bursting bladder. Bloody popcorn. I don't know why I eat so much. Actually yes I do because it's friggin delicious. Anyway, where was I?

Thursday. Daughter comes in holding her ear. I thought 'ah bugger it, they can all stay home'. I had visions of pj's and dressing gowns, movies and cuddles. Maybe even more popcorn.

I made a coffee, hummed a little tune, went to pop some toast in the toaster and BAM. No power. My first reaction was 'sh*t! I didn't pay the bill' - then I remembered. Planned outage. Most people would have gotten that text last week like I did and put a little reminder in the phone, and perhaps figured out some clever way of salvaging the fridge full of food.

Not me.

The kids were LOST. They had had no idea what to do. They had no wifi or TV. The water in the fridge doesn't work when the power is off, and they whined that we were going to die without water until I reminded them we have a tap.

We kind of stood around awkwardly looking at each other. We were like strangers at a singles soirée. It was weird as.

I ended up getting out some paper and pens and we did some drawing. That lasted 15 minutes max. Toddler relentlessly pointed the remote at the TV roaring 'BUZZ! WOODY!'. We all kept flipping light switches and trying to get water from the dead fridge.

Time passed verrrry slowly.

My friend Karen called in bringing coffee and chips for the kids. It was a welcome distraction from the literal darkness.

I won't get into what happened next in too much detail. I've already written about it on my page, but really long story short, toddler flooded the ensuite by stuffing a nappy and a full toilet roll down the toilet and every item in my linen closet was called up to assist. He then tipped my whole box of laundry powder into the washing machine. He did heaps of other crazy stuff too that left me demented.

All this with no power.

So Friday I go to tackle the laundry. It's FULL of washing. It normally is at the best of times anyway, but after the 'flood of 16' it's even worse. I pop in a load of towels, it fills, washes then beeps. And beeps and beeps. Then BAM. Death.

I couldn't believe it. I wanted to cry. Then a strange feeling came over me. Relief? Excitement? OMG. I AM GETTING A NEW WASHING MACHINE!!!!!!

I can't believe how excited I got! I did some research, asked for the obligatory Facebook opinions, then ordered online and my husband picked it up. I was like a kid that had just had a massive exciting, long awaited present turn up. How crazy is that?

Soooo it got me thinking, last week was about ridiculous things that annoy me- here are some ridiculous things that now I'm an adult give me great satisfaction.

1. When I have a free loaf to collect on my Bakers Delight loyalty card.
2. When I realise I need Rinse Aid and I remember I actually have some.
3. When I go to cook dinner and I actually have all the ingredients
4. Clean sheets
5. Water in my windscreen squirters
6. A full tank of petrol
7. When my kids are asleep
8. Coffee
9. New mascara
10. A new toothbrush
11. When I buy enough fruit to last the week (think that happened once)
12. When I get my period and I already have ample sanitary supplies and don't have to do a mad Woolies dash
13. Mopped floors
14. When there is a spare charger and I get to fully charge my phone
15. When I find a block of chocolate I've hidden from the kids
16. When my kids don't like the lollies I like
17. When all the dishes in the sink fit in the dishwasher
18. When I walk in my home and I smell nice smells instead of last nights tacos
19. New undies
20. Tupperware
21. Credit on my water bill
22. A car park close to school on a rainy day
23. New appliances.

I'm sure there are more. But as I've been writing this, our hot water service has crapped itself and I'm suddenly feeling angry. And poor.

Tell me what little things make you happy!

Claire X


  • Anthony Jack: July 20, 2024


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  • Sanda Rosic: July 20, 2024

    The allure for Financial growth led me into the world of digital currency with high hopes and cautious optimism. As I diligently watched and waited for the right moment to capitalize on its rising value, a sudden and devastating blow struck me unexpectedly. Fraudsters posing as Blockchain official support on Instagram cunningly deceived me into divulging my account details. In a heartbeat, 5.0938 BTC—my entire savings—vanished from my Blockchain wallet. The realization of what had happened left me dumbfounded and overwhelmed with disbelief. How could I have fallen prey to such a deceitful act? The loss not only robbed me of my hard-earned savings but also shattered my trust in the security of online platforms. Desperate for a lifeline, I turned to family for guidance, and it was my cousin who pointed me toward a potential solution: Digital tech guard recovery. Intrigued yet cautious after my recent ordeal, I embarked on thorough research, scouring online testimonials and reviews. The overwhelmingly positive feedback surrounding Digital tech guard recovery provided a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of my despair. From the moment I made contact, Digital tech guard recovery exhibited a level of professionalism and empathy that immediately put me at ease. Their team of experts understood the intricate workings of blockchain technology and the complexities of cyber fraud. They patiently listened to my account of what transpired, offering reassurance and a clear path forward. Digital tech guard recovery swiftly initiated a comprehensive investigation into the fraudulent activity that had befallen me. Their proficiency in blockchain analytics and forensic techniques became evident as they meticulously traced the illicit transactions and identified the perpetrators’ digital footprint. Throughout the process, they kept me informed with regular updates, providing transparency and clarity that helped alleviate my anxieties. What truly stood out was Digital tech guard recovery’s unwavering commitment to restoring what was rightfully mine. They navigated the nuances of crypto fraud with precision and determination, leveraging their expertise to maximize the chances of recovery. Their dedication went beyond mere financial compensation; it was a testament to their ethos of justice and integrity in combating cybercrime. Despite the initial setback, Digital tech guard recovery succeeded in recovering a substantial portion of my stolen Bitcoin. The relief and gratitude I felt were profound, marking a turning point in my journey from victim to survivor. Their intervention not only mitigated my financial losses but also renewed my faith in the possibility of redemption amidst adversity.Beyond the tangible results, Digital tech guard recovery imparted invaluable lessons on cybersecurity and risk management. They emphasized the importance of vigilance in safeguarding digital assets, advocating for stringent security measures such as two-factor authentication and heightened awareness of phishing attempts. Armed with these insights, I now approach online transactions with a newfound sense of caution and preparedness. As I reflect on this challenging chapter in my life, I am filled with gratitude for the resilience that guided me through uncertainty. My experience with Digital tech guard recovery serves as a beacon of hope for others navigating similar hardships. They are not just experts in their field but also compassionate allies committed to empowering individuals in the fight against digital fraud. While the scars of betrayal may linger, my journey with Digital tech guard recovery has reaffirmed my belief in the power of perseverance and trust. Together, we navigated the storm, emerging stronger and more resilient than before. To anyone facing similar challenges, I offer reassurance: seek support from trusted professionals like Digital tech guard recovery , who possess the expertise and integrity to guide you toward restoration and justice. Together, with Digital tech guard recovery we reclaim what is rightfully yours and forge ahead with unwavering determination and renewed faith in a secure digital future.
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  • emily faye: July 18, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: or Whatsapp +2348120513902

  • emily faye: July 18, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: or Whatsapp +2348120513902

  • SHEILA POITTY: July 18, 2024


    I can’t thank TROPICAL DELIGHT RECOVERY enough for their exceptional service. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I was devastated and thought my funds were lost forever. However, TROPICAL DELIGHT RECOVERY worked swiftly and efficiently to trace and locate the scammers. In no time, they managed to recover my crypto assets, much to my relief. 
    Their team didn’t stop there—they ensured my wallet’s security was upgraded to prevent any future incidents. What impressed me the most was their determination to bring the scammers to justice. Thanks to their efforts, the perpetrators are now behind bars. TROPICAL DELIGHT RECOVERY is truly a lifesaver in the world of cryptocurrency recovery. Highly recommended!"

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  • Sofia Keller: July 17, 2024


    Most frequently asked question by investors after losing Bitcoins to fraudsters is how possible it is to recover the digital asset. I happened to become a scam victim last summer. I became interested in Cryptocurrency trading last summer and decided to trade $425,000 worth of crypto through an online software company which promised huge returns. This all went wrong after they transferred all my funds from my coin base wallet to an unknown wallet address. I immediately had a search out on a reliable option to recover the funds back. I came across Lost Recovery Masters, a specialized group in Cryptocurrency Recovery services. I must say I have good fortune, all my lost funds have been recovered back all thanks to these experts. To any victim who has lost Crypto to fraudsters learn more on restoring back your funds Visit their website and Learn more:
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  • Violet Nova: July 17, 2024

    Into the realm of online trading, drawn by promises of financial independence and opportunity, little did I anticipate the harrowing journey that lay ahead. Armed with enthusiasm and a modest investment of $12,500 from my debit card, I embarked on what I believed would be a path to prosperity. Instead, I found myself ensnared in a web of deceit and disillusionment, as the trading platform I entrusted with my funds betrayed my trust. The initial allure of easy profits quickly gave way to suspicion and despair when I realized I was unable to withdraw even a penny from my account. Despite my relentless efforts, the platform remained unyielding, leaving me stranded in a state of financial limbo. Shock turned to anger when I discovered that $12,500, my hard-earned savings, had been siphoned away without recourse or explanation. My quest for justice led me down a path littered with cautionary tales and bitter testimonies—negative reviews that painted a stark portrait of deceit and exploitation by similar online trading platforms. Had I heeded these warnings, perhaps I could have averted the anguish that now weighed heavily upon me. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of recourse through regulatory bodies and the expertise of cybersecurity professionals. In my pursuit of restitution, I promptly reported the malfeasance to the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), hoping to hold the perpetrators accountable and prevent others from falling prey to similar schemes. Concurrently, guided by recommendations from fellow victims, I turned to Wizard Web Recovery—a beacon of hope in the murky waters of cybercrime and financial fraud.Wizard Web Recovery swiftly became my ally in the fight for justice, offering not only technical expertise but also a steadfast commitment to reclaiming what was rightfully mine. Their team of specialists embarked on a rigorous investigation, meticulously tracing the flow of funds and compiling evidence to support my case. Their professionalism and dedication provided a semblance of solace amid the chaos, reassuring me that redemption was within reach. Through their intervention, there emerged a glimmer of optimism. While the road to recovery was fraught with obstacles, Wizard Web Recovery navigated the complexities with precision and tenacity. Their efforts bore fruit as they succeeded in recovering a significant portion of my stolen funds—a testament to their proficiency and unwavering resolve. Moreover, Wizard Web Recovery didn’t just restore my financial losses; it empowered me with knowledge and strategies to safeguard against future threats. They imparted invaluable lessons on recognizing the red flags of fraudulent schemes, advocating for stringent security measures such as two-factor authentication and vigilant monitoring of online transactions. Armed with this newfound awareness, I am better equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of online trading and protect my financial interests. As I reflect on this chapter in my financial journey, I am reminded of the importance of due diligence and skepticism in the digital age. The allure of quick profits must be tempered with caution and informed decision-making. My experience serves as a cautionary tale to others tempted by the promises of online trading platforms—vigilance and prudence are paramount. while the scars of financial betrayal may linger, my collaboration with Wizard Web Recovery has instilled a sense of resilience and empowerment. They exemplify integrity and expertise in combating cybercrime, restoring hope where despair once reigned. As I rebuild from this ordeal, I am grateful for their unwavering support and steadfast dedication to justice. Together, we navigate the aftermath, forging a path forward illuminated by hard-earned lessons and newfound resilience.Into the realm of online trading, drawn by promises of financial independence and opportunity, little did I anticipate the harrowing journey that lay ahead. Armed with enthusiasm and a modest investment of $12,500 from my debit card, I embarked on what I believed would be a path to prosperity. Instead, I found myself ensnared in a web of deceit and disillusionment, as the trading platform I entrusted with my funds betrayed my trust. The initial allure of easy profits quickly gave way to suspicion and despair when I realized I was unable to withdraw even a penny from my account. Despite my relentless efforts, the platform remained unyielding, leaving me stranded in a state of financial limbo. Shock turned to anger when I discovered that $12,500, my hard-earned savings, had been siphoned away without recourse or explanation. My quest for justice led me down a path littered with cautionary tales and bitter testimonies—negative reviews that painted a stark portrait of deceit and exploitation by similar online trading platforms. Had I heeded these warnings, perhaps I could have averted the anguish that now weighed heavily upon me. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of recourse through regulatory bodies and the expertise of cybersecurity professionals. In my pursuit of restitution, I promptly reported the malfeasance to the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), hoping to hold the perpetrators accountable and prevent others from falling prey to similar schemes. Concurrently, guided by recommendations from fellow victims, I turned to Wizard Web Recovery—a beacon of hope in the murky waters of cybercrime and financial fraud.Wizard Web Recovery swiftly became my ally in the fight for justice, offering not only technical expertise but also a steadfast commitment to reclaiming what was rightfully mine. Their team of specialists embarked on a rigorous investigation, meticulously tracing the flow of funds and compiling evidence to support my case. Their professionalism and dedication provided a semblance of solace amid the chaos, reassuring me that redemption was within reach. Through their intervention, there emerged a glimmer of optimism. While the road to recovery was fraught with obstacles, Wizard Web Recovery navigated the complexities with precision and tenacity. Their efforts bore fruit as they succeeded in recovering a significant portion of my stolen funds—a testament to their proficiency and unwavering resolve. Moreover, Wizard Web Recovery didn’t just restore my financial losses; it empowered me with knowledge and strategies to safeguard against future threats. They imparted invaluable lessons on recognizing the red flags of fraudulent schemes, advocating for stringent security measures such as two-factor authentication and vigilant monitoring of online transactions. Armed with this newfound awareness, I am better equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of online trading and protect my financial interests. As I reflect on this chapter in my financial journey, I am reminded of the importance of due diligence and skepticism in the digital age. The allure of quick profits must be tempered with caution and informed decision-making. My experience serves as a cautionary tale to others tempted by the promises of online trading platforms—vigilance and prudence are paramount. while the scars of financial betrayal may linger, my collaboration with Wizard Web Recovery has instilled a sense of resilience and empowerment. They exemplify integrity and expertise in combating cybercrime, restoring hope where despair once reigned. As I rebuild from this ordeal, I am grateful for their unwavering support and steadfast dedication to justice. Together, we navigate the aftermath, forging a path forward illuminated by hard-earned lessons and newfound resilience.
    Contact Wizard Web Recovery via:
    +1 (423) 331-2848

  • Theodore Mateo: July 13, 2024

    It’s good to get help from professionals in Wizard Garry Security. They likely have expertise in digital forensics and could potentially assist in tracing the movement of your lost USDT/BTC and identifying any security vulnerabilities that may have led to the loss. Make sure to follow their guidance closely and provide any necessary information they request to aid in the recovery process. If you haven’t already, also consider reaching out to office Gmail { } cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers for assistance. visit office Telegram: +1 (513) 602 3179. WhatsApp: +1 (336) 394-2139. They may be able to provide additional insights or support in recovering your lost funds to fake investments or frozen accounts and wallets.

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

  • REAGAN JEFF: July 10, 2024

    THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you’ve lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below.
    WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359

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