Getting Real

Posted on April 10 2017

I'm back!! I have been AWOL from blog land for quite some time now. Thanks to those that said they missed my blog. It made me really happy to hear that what I wrote was appreciated and relatable. For those saying it just to be polite, thanks to you too. Writing for anyone other than yourself is actually really hard. It exposes you, makes you vulnerable and makes you doubt and evaluate everything microscopically. Each time I have gone to press submit on a post, I've had a serious bout of anxiety. Will it tank? Will it be funny? Will I offend someone? (My greatest fear). I'm not one to shout out my controversial opinions to the world (yes I have them), regardless of what others will think. I don't want to shame anyone, alienate or draw attention to someone's fears, pain, sorrow or insecurities. That's not my role. Not my thing. Not why I write.

Somehow recently my 'behind the scenes' work for TSID became a little more 'front and centre'. I stepped out from the comfort of the notes section of my iPhone and got in front of the camera. A lot. Like every week. Several times a week. In the Main Street, where we took our photos. I thought writing was hard but there is nothing that compares to modelling clothes. And I use the term 'modelling' very loosely.

I'm not a 'model'.

I'm a duck arse. I'm not long lean or willowy. My hair hasn't been done since November last year. I do my own make up. I can't get snapped and then rely on a photographers photoshop skills because Sam has been taking the photos. She doesn't do photoshop. She just does the 'auto' button on her camera that has soooo many more functions than 'auto'. Bless her.

So I just have to let the world (or Doreen, whatever) see what I really look like. Balls and all. Cellulite, hormonal zits, gappy teeth and Mum tum. And you know what. I'm cool with that.

Because it's REAL.

Everyone has shit about themselves that they don't like. But there are also things I do like. I hate my 3rd chin, but I like my eyes. My muffin top gives me hell but my feet are really quite attractive. My legs aren't long, but they work. I can run, skip, hop, play netball. My arms may wobble longer than they probably should, but they work. They can hold my babies.

Here at TSID that's what we are about. Embracing YOU. Rocking what you've ALREADY got. Not trying to sell you clothes that you'll only look good in if you lose a couple of kgs or are 6ft8.

There is already enough pressure on us as women. We have to be superwomen. Have clean homes. Well behaved kids. Be perfectly groomed and have our shit together. Well I can tell you now - That's bullshit. My kids can be total arseholes. My house is a brothel at times and my bra never matches my undies.

Being real is whatever you can handle. YOU. Not what anyone else perceives of you. What your brain, schedule and time allows. Perfection is non existent. It's unachievable, stressful and unrealistic.

Real is real at any size. Any height, any age.

So that's why TSID is using me. And my sister Megan. Because we are not perfect. And we are trying to smash the fashion industry's preconceived notions that only 'supermodels' look good in clothes. 

We will never use photoshop to alter the images. We may use the odd filter here and there (we aren't savages) but what you see is what exists. In all its imperfect glory.

I love online shopping. I pore over the online stores wistfully dreaming of outfits that look amazing on the model but will make me look like a burst cocktail Frankfurt. I've been a victim of online shopping. I've bought stuff from 'fashion' sites in a XXXXXXXL only to have it arrive and be handed straight to my 10 year old daughter.

We want to show you that you can still look good at any 'realness'. Size 8, size 22. Everyone is real. It's about good choices, and finding outfits that not only suit your body shape but your personality. The old adage 'you look good, you feel good' is true.

And the perfect accompaniment to a new outfit is confidence and a beautiful smile.

Claire x


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