How we see ourselves...

Posted on April 17 2016

Been a busy week at TSID! I was lucky enough to be part of the Mothers Day promotion photo shoot with my gorgeous mum and nana. We had an absolute ball wearing the clothes. Our crazy-talented photographer Kristin Walker from Honey Images worked her magic amongst the majestic bush at my parents home in Cottlesbridge. We got to see some of the shots as they were taken. My first response was YUCK. OMG do I seriously look like that? No way, take another one. The look on Kristin's face was incredulous! Why she said!? They are beautiful!

It really got me thinking. I am a fairly confident person. Of course I have insecurities - who doesn't? But why do we find it so hard to take compliments? Why is it so hard to hear something nice about yourself and actually believe it?

Have stereotypes of beauty become so fixed that we think that unless we look a certain way we don't look beautiful? I am 5ft 5. I am 75kg. I have 3 kids. A lovely soft belly where my abs used to be. I have stretch marks and 'bingo wings'. My jawline is considerably less angular and my eyes show evidence of tears and laughter. My ankles seem to have grown in circumference and my hips pop over my jeans. My boobs are longer than they are round. My arms have lifted more Coke cans than Dumbbells.

But am I ugly? Am I disgusting? Am I so repulsive that I should hide myself away? My response not that long ago would have been yes. Nobody wants to see that. My days of booty shorts and midriff tops are over. My response now? Hell no! I'm going to rock this. I'm going to be 38 this year. I'm happy, busy, motivated and have access to clothes that can make me FEEL beautiful no matter my size. I can wear trackies and hoodies or stilettos and skirts, and I can smile. I am a role model to my daughters. I want them to know that perfection doesn't exist. Self confidence, self worth and self belief DOES. Insecurity is not size specific. It does not discriminate. A size 8 can wish for curves and a size 22 can wish for a thigh gap. If we want to change ourselves, we need to make sure we are doing it for the right reason.

Next time someone pays you a compliment, instead of saying, 'oh no, I look awful, or I'm so fat/old/wrinkly' - say THANK YOU! OWN THAT SHIT! Appreciate that someone is taking the time to let you know that they think you are looking the goods. Because unless they are Regina George from Mean Girls - they mean it 

Claire xx


  • Beth Walter: December 20, 2021

    How i got back my ex husband after he left me and our kids” I suggest you read my testimony. I’m Beth Walters from the United state, I’m so excited my husband is back after he left me for another woman. My husband was having an affair with a co-worker and i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with his co-worker and this girl i think she uses witchcraft or black magic on my husband to make him hate me and this was so critical and uncalled-for, I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to bring back my husband! I was really upset and I needed help, so I searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Lord Zuma can help get ex-boyfriend back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and I did it, then he did a love spell for me. 11hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he misses me so much, Oh My God! I was so happy, and today I am happy with my man again and we are joyfully living together. I thank the powerful spell caster Lord Zuma, he is so powerful and I decided to share my story online here. if you are here and your Lover is turning you down, or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact Lord Zuma for help now..Here’s his contact, or WhatsApp him: +1 506 800 1647

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  • Danielle Marie: April 22, 2016

    Love it Claire! I didn’t realise we are the same age, 3 kids, etc so I could totally relate. You made me feel so damn good so thank you! ??

  • Treasa: April 22, 2016

    Fantastic Claire & so true xx

  • Lisa Marchetti : April 18, 2016

    Well worded. Many women I’m sure can relate. I know I certainly do. Well done Claire

  • Bianca: April 18, 2016

    Thanks Claire!
    Now I love myself more than I already do ( if that’s possible) ?
    I’ve been owning that kinda shit for years now – it’s the best

    Love your work

  • Kimberley Maxey: April 18, 2016

    Perfect Claire…Right on the money!! That is precisely what needs to be said and promoted, and will have more health benefits than you could ever imagine. My downloadable report, which you will be able to access later in the week, should shed some insight. Great Job. Love what you stand for.
    Kimberley Maxey -HappyBalance

  • Bron : April 17, 2016

    This is BRILLIANT!!! Thank you for sharing it.

  • Lachlan Harben: April 17, 2016

    I know it sounds rather blokey, but if every man wanted the same, there would be only one type of car on the market. Woman are made different to make the world a better place, own it, be yourself and remember, if someone isn’t happy with who you are, they are probably just as unhappy with themselves.

  • Nicole: April 17, 2016

    I was talking to Sam about this on Saturday. Your photos made me go in and buy my winter clothes because they looked so amazing on you. Great blog.. Keep up the great work xoxox

  • Briony : April 17, 2016

    Claire you rock. We need to read more of this self loving, self nurturing, positive womanly behaviour. Especially like your thoughts about what we are teaching our daughters.
    You Inspire me!!! Keep up the awesome blogs girlfriend. Xx

  • Fi Larsen : April 17, 2016

    Claire you are such an inspiration! you are beautiful inside and outside I’m really enjoying reading your blogs. Xoxo

  • Anita: April 17, 2016

    Great read Claire! Thanks

  • Kirsty : April 17, 2016

    Love this!! You’re stunning inside and out.. I’m going to read this to both my daughters.. Xx

  • Mel b: April 17, 2016

    Your beautiful Claire and you have the model factor for sure even after your beautiful children your one of those people I have looked at in the past and gone I wish I looked like her how lucky you are .keep up the great work xx

  • Tara: April 17, 2016

    Love this Claire! So beautifully written xo

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